We are 1 of Nassau's Counties best at finding and fixing under the water Leaks and at precisely locating under ground pipe Leaks.
Over 1,000 Pool Leaks Detected every season
631-885-5621Pool Pro516-698-2092 FOR NASSAU COUNTY, N.Y
Experience usually counts in the Leak Business!
Most Pools losing more than ¼” a day are probably losing more than what could be attributed to evaporation.
Sinkholes, settlement of the ground, cement patio cracking, brick pavers settling, pavement or deck settlement.
Cloudy water, constantly adding chemicals or salt imbalance (or dilution due to re-filling) when analyzing pool water
Air bubbles in the pump ( or priming problems) typically being brought in by the suction side (main or skimmers) piping & being discharged out the returns (or jets).
Wet or soggy areas around the Pool or even at the Equipment pad. (These leaks that are readily visible can be repaired by your general pool service contractor)
Your water is colder than it should be because you are always adding more water - possibly with an Auto-water fill.
Dimples / divits / damage in a liner getting larger due to the erosion of the ground below a hole or tear in the liner.
Increased water bills, Increase in algae buildup
Sometimes extensive water loss can be seen with high tempertures &/or wind exposure or even heating the pool (especially if the exterior temperature is much cooler at night for example)
If we can't find it we don't charge - no matter how long it takes us.
No hourly charges for Leak Detection we charge flat rates
Owner has 24 years Leak experience with Long Island Pools.
We don't claim to be experts at all pool services - we only do Leak Detecting!
We do both - diving/repairs underwater & pinpoint underground pipe Leaks & give our assurance that we will find the origin of your Leak(s).
In most cases NO! it's generally only the 1st step in the pipe testing process.
Be leery of any company that will just offer a pressure test of the Pool Piping/Plumbing & just simply tell you what line is Leaking (PROBABLY 75% OF THE TIME WE CAN DO THAT ON THE PHONE - as long as you can tell us if you lose more with the pump running or off.) Of course if you are just planning to replace a line (not pinpoint the spot of the leak) then you can certainly go with the simple pressure test.
After the pressure test we take the Detection process a little further. Using some of the best electronic equipment, we find the loudest sounds of water flowing, which is typically where the pipe Leak is. We also using helium detectors to help locate the pipe leaks. Usually we can find the suspected leak location, where it would be a relatively close enough for your pool company to see it, when they dig the area up and perform the needed repair.
Electronic Leak Detection is not always the answer
Sounds impressive but sometimes it's an unnecessary waste of time. Yes that's right - A WASTE OF TIME. Some companies use electronic Leak Detecting for vinyl liner repair. To put it simply, WE'VE BEEN THERE DONE THAT! We have a ton of reasons why its beneficial to dive a pool and do an underwater dive / examination with OUR EYES, verses an inspection electronically.
1) We have examples where divers have come by later (in some cases yrs.) to discover a patch coming off that was put on by one of those electronic guys, and the diver discovered there was NO NEED FOR A PATCH BECAUSE THERE WAS NO HOLE! It can happen if you don’t actually see the holes.
2) Some divers use electronics and will do a dive – We feel that’s an unnecessary waste of time. Most importantly, just make sure that will offer assurance that they will find your Leaks and will patch say 10 holes at a fixed rate.
Generally, liners are not expected to last much longer than 10-15 years. However, we have seen liners last 20 or even 30 years. The problems with trying to get say an extra year or two out of a liner could lead to basically an unrepairable blowout. Due to the fact that a liner loses it’s elasticity, if it gets a puncture it could lead to a huge tear of many ft. or an unrepairable situation. That’s why its preferable to get a new liner at the beginning of the season and don’t tempt fate to get several more months. A blowout can happen say in June and the backlog could be a month or more to replace it.
There is some types of disinformation online that suggests throwing dye in pool will bring you to the Leak. It does not happen that way. Only if you are within an inch or two will you be able to shoot some dye into an area you suspect of a Leak, and see it being drawn into the Leak.
Underwater Leak Repairs for Vinyl Liners & Gunite Pools
Pressure Test Pipes & locate those concealed Pipe Leaks
Patching holes, tears, seams and pinholes in Liners
Pipe Leaks exact area located under pavers / concrete
Repair minor Gunite cracks & Pool Light Leaks
Stop Leaks at Vinyl Liner Gaskets at stairs and faceplates
Plug some Main Drain & locate some Leaks
We won't try to sell you a new Liner - We only repair them
Need 1 of Long Island's Leak Detection Specialists?
Our Advantages in the Leak Business
We do things a little differently at Pool Pro
Most importantly we GUARANTEE to locate the Leak
We perform underwater repairs and we find pipe Leaks
We service central Long Island New York
We don't charge if we can't find the Leak
FREE ADVICE - even if the best decision is not using us, we advise the best course of action. That includes suggestions of getting a new liner or to re-pipe your pool, & maybe not hiring us. We have lots of techniques to find Pool Leaks. We are unique when it comes to finding Pool Leaks, primarily due to many yrs. experience and having an attitude where we rarely ever give up. We ask a ton of questions at the start of the Leak Detecting process, almost to the point some customers might find it a little annoying. Most importantly we want to try to make sure we are performing a useful service, with respect to what service we start with - A DIVE OR PIPE TEST
Any Observations?
We would like to know the pool's water loss in terms of inches
If you don’t know if a diver or pipe test is needed, we ask that you monitor the water lost with the pump running and what’s the loss with it off?
Does the pool stop losing water at a certain level?
Did you lose water in the off season when the pool was closed?
Did you have the leak last year?
While we dive pools to repair holes in Liners and seal minor Leaks in Gunite Pools, we will only test pipes and precisely locate the underground Leak. So you will still need a company to pull up pavers and repair your Leak – However we doubt you will ever find a company like us that can precisely Locate that pipe Leak! AT A FIXED RATE!
In our experience in many cases even though those other companies advertise Leak Detection, many are JUST INTERESTED IN THE HIGHER $ VALUE SERVICES LIKE RE-PIPING OR NEW LINER INSTALLS. In many cases they don't give a 100% in attempting to locate a Pool Leak.
Not properly blowing out the Plumbing Lines / Winterization.
Freeze leading to ground settlement & pipe damage.
Termites eating thru flexible PVC piping or Pool Liners
Brushing or a robot causing Liner damage, improper chemical usage accelerating a Liner's deterioration.
Gunite/Concrete Pools having cracks that can Leak.
Pool Plumbing Leaks can also be caused by tree roots, failure at Joints, fittings or couplings, old age, improper chemical usage (chlorine dropped in skimmer baskets etc.), manufacturing defects/poor construction techniques, waste/backwash line Leaking or damage due to an extensive freeze.
Do you need an Expert? – Probably not if your pool guy is willing to spend the time chasing down your Leak and will not charge you hourly.